Purple Fruited Pea Eggplant flower
Common name: Purple Fruited Pea Eggplant flower
biological name : Solanum trilobatum.
(In tamil, Tuduvalai, Nittidam, Sandunayattan, Surai) (In sanskrit, achuda, agnidamani, agnidamini, alarka, vallikantakarika)
Solanum trilobatum is an herb that can be consumed by mildly frying it in oil or ghee and then grinding it.
Uses :
1) Medical uses :The bitter roots and young shoots have been given in the form of an electuary, a decoction or a powder for consumption. The medicine is mainly used for asthma, chronic febrile affections and difficult parturition. The plant is antibacterial, antifungal, antimitotic, antioxidant and antitumouour. It is used in the treatment of asthma; vomiting of blood; rheumatism; several kinds of leprosy; to help reduce blood glucose levels, bilious matter and phlegm.
The leaf juice is drunk as a remedy for fever.The seeds are used as a vermifuge.
2) Edible Uses:The fruit is edible. The purple to blackish fruit is about 1cm in diameter. Leaves - cooked and eaten as a vegetable
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